Joshua Weissman Wants You to Stop Cooking This One Viral TikTok Recipe – BusInsiders

Joshua Weissman Wants You to Stop Cooking This One Viral TikTok Recipe

- Food - February 8, 2023

Businsiders: What are four staples that are always in your fridge?

Joshua Weissman: Okay. In my fridge, I would say definitely number one is butter. I don’t think there’s a single chef in the world who would not put that right in front. So, butter, cream, gochujang, of all things, and probably just cheese in general. 

Gochujang is a Korean fermented chili paste used in a lot of different things that we eat. If you’ve ever been to any wing place and there’s like a spicy chili wing, a lot of the time, it’s either sriracha or gochujang. In my opinion, gochujang is definitely superior and has more flavor to it. 

What do you listen to while cooking?

I’m a simp for Drake—and you can quote that. 

What do you cook on date night?

If time allows, I like to do coursed-out stuff for a date night with a little bit of an amuse-bouche and then a small plate followed by a protein.

For the main, I would probably do something nice like a pork secreto, which means secret in Spanish. It’s a Spanish Iberico pork that is a cut of meat that you really can’t get anywhere else, that most butchers throw away but it’s really fatty. It’s kind of like the wagyu of pork, if you will.

When you go grocery shopping, what’s something that you can’t help but pick up?

I have a big problem with impulse buying. I don’t even go to the store that much anymore. Normally I send people out, thankfully. If it’s me, I’ll impulse buy at least 10 items. It’s kind of a problem. I think my favorite impulse buy would be specialty olive oils or aged soy sauces. Any kind of Picual olive oil would be my favorite type.

What tool gets the most use in your kitchen?

My knives, easily.  All my knives are by independent knife makers. I don’t have a particular favorite, but I would love to shout-out Bernal Cutlery in San Francisco.

If you were known as the expert of one thing on TikTok, what would it be?

I mean, cooking in general, but aside from that, probably both savory cooking and also baking bread, specifically.

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